Company Approved by the DGP No. 2878

Idassa - Ingeniería en seguridad

Gauging control systems and solutions

IDASSA carries out tailor-made projects and budgets that meet the real needs of our clients. Of course, we also carry out the installation, training, implementation and legalisation of the systems in accordance with current legislation. We take care of everything.

Rely on us. We have been offering customised security solutions to our clients for more than 40 years.

Sistemas de control de aforo: instalación


Sistemas de control de aforo: formación


Sistemas de control de aforo: implementación


Sistemas de control de aforo: mantenimiento



  • System composed of zenithal camera and information monitor of access allowed or denied.

  • Controller with Capacity Management Software: Capacity, maximum, zones, history…

  • This is a flexible solution capable of providing value to both small establishments and large projects with multiple locations.

  • Thanks to artificial intelligence, the solution stands out for its high reliability, providing greater security for both you and your customers.

Sistemas de control de aforo
Control de aforo en recintos


  • A dual camera is installed centrally at each access point of the establishment to be monitored.

  • Each camera counts the entrances and exits of people and stores the data in the system.

  • The information device (traffic light, Tablet, Monitor…) notifies the customers whether they can enter or whether they must wait to enter the premises.

  • Partialisations can be created to carry out a Capacity Control by zones: for terraces, by floors, rooms…

  • Through the management software, daily, weekly or monthly capacity reports can be obtained for subsequent evaluation.


  • System composed of zenithal camera and information monitor of access allowed or denied.

  • Controller with Capacity Management Software: Capacity, maximum, zones, history…

  • This is a flexible solution capable of providing value to both small establishments and large projects with multiple locations.

  • Thanks to artificial intelligence, the solution stands out for its high reliability, providing greater security for both you and your customers.

Cámara cenital para control de aforo


  • This camera is designed to count the number of people entering and exiting at each access point of a premises, vehicle or outdoor enclosure, displaying the recorded data in daily, weekly, monthly or annual reports.

  • Depending on the lens of the camera and the height at which it is installed, the detection area will increase or decrease.

  • We have cameras for all cases. From 2mm lenses to cameras with lenses of more than 4 mm, which allow us to install the cameras at heights of 2 to 6 metres, obtaining total reliability of the results.