1st level
(WITHOUT connection to ARC)
These systems are not connected to the Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) and are therefore very unreliable and for domestic use.
These systems do NOT ensure fast and effective detection in the event of an intrusion.

2nd level
(Connection to ARC)
Alarm where all the elements comply with the European Standard EN50131, so they can be connected to an Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC). These systems are reliable and of high quality if the installation is carried out correctly, the material used is of high quality and the ARC is sized for the number of subscribers.
Level 2 systems are recommended for all types of homes, businesses and industry.
They can be complemented with a perimeter system (external alarm) if necessary.

3rt level
(Connection to ARC)
The intruder will be aware of
intrusion alarm systems and has an extensive range of tools such as frequency jammers and electronic equipment.
Level 3 is mandatory for
Pharmacies, Service Stations, Lottery Shops, Jewellers, Gunsmiths, Police
Lottery, Jewellers, Armouries, Museums and Tobacconists. IDASSA is a specialist in Grade 3.

4th level
(Military Security)
This level will be used when security takes precedence over all other factors. An intruder is expected to have the ability or resource to plan an intrusion in detail and to have a full range of tools and equipment including substitutes for components in an intruder alarm system.